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Credo Reference

Do you need to check a definition, understand a literary reference or a scientific term?

Need a great image you can use for your homework or project?

Tired of getting too many irrelevant results from Web search engines when you need quick, accurate answers?

Need trustworthy reference information with properly formatted citations for your footnotes?

Let the ESCC library and Credo Reference help!

Credo Reference is an online reference collection, and it features full-text content from hundreds of reference books covering a broad range of subjects. It's a search engine like Google, but instead of searching the entire Internet, your results come from a comprehensive library of trusted reference sources without advertisements, clutter, or irrelevant hits.

© 2023 Eastern Shore Community College
29316 Lankford Highway, Melfa, VA 23410
Phone: 757.789.1789
ESCC is an equal opportunity institution.

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