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ESCC Student Handbook Plagiarism Policy

According to the Academic Misconduct Policy, "Any student who engages in academic misconduct may be penalized with a grade of 'F' for the specific assignment, a reduced grade for the course, or a failing grade for the course. The specific penalty depends upon the importance of the assignment in satisfying the requirements for the course. Any student found guilty of a second violation will be dismissed from the College" (ESCC Catalogue and Student Handbook).

Obvious Plagiarism

Less Obvious Plagiarism

  • Turning in someone else’s paper as one’s own

  • Turning in a paper that was bought from a service on the Internet

  • Reusing a paper previously turned in for one class and then submitting the same paper or portions of it for subsequent classes without permission of the instructor (self-plagiarism)

  • Cutting and pasting entire sections from other author's works into one’s own paper

  • Using another author’s exact words but not putting quotation marks around the quote and citing the work

  • Failing to differentiate between common knowledge and something that needs to be cited

  • Failing to include complete and correct citations

  • Sticking too closely to another author’s words by only changing a few words around when paraphrasing

  • Using another author’s exact words but not putting quotation marks around the quote even if one cites the work


Paraphrasing involves putting the authors ideas or statements in your own words. The paraphrase needs to accurately represent the original passage; you should not change or omit any major points. It is important to remember that, even though you are not using a direct quote, you still need to add a citation!


Original statement (from "Italy." Alcohol and Temperance in Modern History: An International Encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO, 2003.)

Beer consumption traditionally occurred especially during the warm season to quench thirst. Beer consumption has increased during the last thirty years among young people, who drink it in their peer groups but also in the family, while eating a pizza at a restaurant, and also outside mealtimes.

Bad Paraphrase:

Traditionally, beer consumption took place during the warm season because it was thirst quenching. Over the last 30 years, beer consumption has increased among younger people who drink it with peers, while dining, and even outside of mealtimes.

Good Paraphrase:

Over the last thirty years, the younger generations have changed beer from a beverage that was only consumed during the warmer months to a beverage that is consumed year-round and in many different settings.



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