For more comedy writing videos, check out this YouTube playlist.
WARNING: Videos may contain mature content.
HINT: Use the keywords "comedy writing" when searching YouTube for videos. This will help limit your search results to videos which discuss the process rather than simply comedic videos. |
The Philosophy of Comedy
What makes a joke funny? This video essay looks at the structure of a joke and takes a closer look at supplementary techniques used by modern comedians (viz. Bill Burr, Jerry Seinfeld, Louis C.K., and Dave Chappelle).
How to Write Comedy like a Bald Jerk (Larry David)
This video will attempt to breakdown Larry David's creative process from the writing stage, to shooting, and finally to editing, and hopefully provide some insight into how you can create comedy like true Social Assassin.
How to Be Witty (Conan O' Brien)
Conan O'Brien has an extremely fast sense of humor and wit, but there are principles behind the kind of sharp wit that Conan uses so often. And while his years of comedy training have made him a master, simply understanding the principles and using them in your own life can make people find you much much funnier.
SERIES: Key Concepts in Comedy
Digital Theatre covers five areas of comedy in Key Concepts in Comedy including example performance clips and fundamental principles.
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